If some of you, gentlemen, are looking for solutions for more sperm, just for fun, others are not! Yes, many men are looking for solutions to have more sperm. But above all, good quality! Proxeed Plus is one of the most coveted solutions for this reason.
For those who want to have children, it is necessary to have a healthy sperm. This is how the chances of procreation are more interesting. How does Proxeed Plus work? Is it really effective? What is it made of? So many questions that we ask ourselves today, SpecialHomme.com , respond…
Pr O xeed MORE , the solution that works…
At least that’s what our survey of adult health forums reveals. We encountered testimonies from couples who were on the verge of despair and who saw their chances increase. Some even ended up giving birth to beautiful babies. However, it should be noted that it is not as simple as it seems.
Having poor quality sperm, in quotes, implies that there is something wrong with the sperm. The latter (which many also like to call zozos!) are either understaffed or quite slow in terms of mobility.
Let’s first quickly recall what sperm is in order to understand how Proxeed Plus works.
What is GOOD sperm
Sperm quality depends on five factors, according to the World Health Organization. It is enough for one of these factors to be below the norm for the probability of conception to be influenced. It is therefore :
- of sperm count : it is the quantity or number of sperm in the ejaculate. A normal ejaculation contains more than 40 million sperm, on average;
- of the concentration : or more specifically the number of sperm contained in a milliliter of semen. Normally there should be at least 20 million sperm per milliliter ejaculated. Yes, so many people in there…
- of the mobility : understand sperm movement. If your sperm is normal and healthy, more than 50% of your sperm should be moving well, of which more than 25% should be moving strongly in one direction;
- of the speed : There are naturally some sperm faster than others. These have what is called “rapid linear progression”. This is the case for the 25% of spermatozoa in healthy sperm mentioned just before. The faster it is, the more likely a sperm is to arrive at the egg before its friends;
- of the morphology : The shape and size of the sperm plays as important a role as the other factors.
The work of Proxeed Plus then operates more at the level of the first three factors.
How It Works and Ingredients Proxeed Plus
Proxeed Plus contains levocarnitine and the acetyl-L-carnitine, two ingredients known to help improve sperm maturation and hence the general quality of the sperm. Levocarnitine serves to transport fatty acids to specific cells as sources of energy. These fatty acids, the main source of energy, significantly impact the mobility of spermatozoa .
Acetyl-L-carnitine is used to provide energy to cells, more precisely at the membrane level. Its two key ingredients in the Proxeed Plus formula affect the dynamism of your sperm by considerably increasing their number.
Other ingredients like fructose, citric acid, vitamins C and B, coenzyme Q, zinc, folic acid and selenium are contained in the formula of Proxeed Plus. This well-researched combination of ingredients aims to improve energy metabolism, combat oxidation and protect sperm by reducing the impact of too many free radicals.
Excipients are also part of the list of ingredients. We thus find sucrose, fructose, natural lemon flavor and acesulfame potassium.
How to use Proxeed Plus for best results?
This natural supplement comes in powder form to be diluted. The manufacturer of Proxeed Plus recommends the administration of two sachets per day (1 in the morning/1 in the evening).
Simply dilute the contents of a sachet in water or orange juice and drink the mixture before a meal, in the morning and in the evening. This treatment is to be followed during 6 months for optimal fertility results. The manufacturer reports promising first results from the third month, with regular use.
Does Proxeed Plus work?
Yes it works. Several users report a clear increase in the percentage of sperm in the seminal fluid, after approximately 3 months of treatment.
However, some patients still failed to have babies or it took them a really long time to do so. This is, in our opinion, completely normal because people’s responsiveness to treatments is not necessarily the same.
Also, we should remember the different parameters that impact the quality of sperm:
- age;
- the stress ;
- medication ;
- wearing clothes that are too tight and overheating the resticles;
- poor nutrition;
- tobacco and alcohol;
- …
All these little people participate in the chances and probabilities of procreation.
Purchase Pr O xeed MORE
To ensure you receive the right product at the right price, it is strongly recommended to always go through the official sales site. This is valid for ALL solutions you wish to purchase.
To order Proxeed Plus online, follow the following link:
What is the difference between proxeed plus and ezerex.
It’s not risky