Phiero Premium is a perfume for men… So what does it do on a site like We are used to presenting products for men, of course. But, these are rather products to improve your sexual performance and above all to obtain a bigger, more efficient penis. However, let’s not speak too quickly! Because Phiero is not just (another) simple perfume: it is a perfume with pheromones!
Phiero Premium, a secret weapon for flirting and conquering women
This really seems like science fiction or even dubious magic. How would a perfume lure women into our beds? The answer is actually quite simple: science! Phiero Premium is a fragrance whose formula contains synthesized human pheromones which have the role of “facilitating” sexual communication between people.
Pheromones, what?
Just as with animals, scientists have discovered that humans also release pheromones which carry sexual “messages” picked up by the sense of smell of other individuals. These pheromones, also called pherormones or pherohormones, are chemical substances that can be compared to hormones. Moreover, “pheromone” is itself a portmanteau word made up of two Greek roots: pherein(transport) andhormone(excite). These substances are therefore emitted by many animals and certain plants, as chemical messengers playing a major role in sexual attraction, especially during the reproductive period. They are detected at the level of the vomeronasal organ.
Although some research claims that pheromonal activity is not strong enough in humans compared to animals, it seems that the effect produced by ordinary perfumes (where there would be no pheromones) demonstrates the opposite!
Read also: Nexus Pheromones for more sexual attraction.
The promises of Phiero Premium
The manufacturer of Phiero Premium presents its product as a versatile tool that promises the following:
- A marked increase in sexual confidence and self-esteem;
- A stronger ability to attract women;
- The possibility of obtaining most women;
- An increase in encounters and sexual relations;
- An improvement in your libido.
Phiero Premium, a concentrate of 3 pheromones
To achieve these objectives, a special mixture of 3 known and synthesized pheromones was studied and designed by the manufacturer of Phiero. These include:
A-keto: The pheromone of love. Known for creating pleasant situations where self-confidence is greater and stress is greatly reduced. This leads to states of mind where self-confidence trumps everything else.
Androstenone: A pheromone derived from testosterone, already present in the human body. It is a powerful chemical substance that generates what is called the Alpha male image in others. It is therefore a pheromone which acts on the woman’s representation of the image of a dominant and above all self-confident man.

How to use Phiero Premium?

Our body has natural secretions (sweat, effluvia, urine, breath, sebum, etc.) which constitute a certain normal personal identity that most of us end up altering without knowing it. Excessive hygiene, often using products with a chemical composition (deodorants, creams, etc.), ends up altering nature! Pay attention to this because our brain is programmed to detect these smells…
Phiero Premium purchase and warranty
You can get Phiero Premium online for the price of €44.95 . As a bonus, you get a flirting guide.
The manufacturer undertakes to refund the entire purchase amount if you are not satisfied during the 14 days following.
We recommend that you go through the official sales site in order to avoid any risk of fraud in terms of the authentic quality of the product or even the accuracy of the price charged.
To order Phiero Premium, you can use the following link: