Here’s a rather “funny” name for a product to improve the taste and smell of your semen: MAX Yummy Cummy ! Did you know that you can influence the quality of your sperm to change its taste and smell? Would you like to do this? Would your partner want this?
In the “For More More Sperm” section, Today presents to you a product whose manufacturer claims to be effective in changing the taste and odor of semen. Right away, the MAX Yummy Cummy test…
MAX Yummy Cummy , to neutralize the taste and odor of semen…
Because sperm does have a taste and a smell! When women have been asked this question, most of the answers are strangely similar: It has a slightly salty taste that goes towards bitter and it smells like bleach!
It is clear that you do not want to have a bad taste in your mouth, nor a bad smell in your nose. However, sex is not all kissing and legs in the air: sex can also be oral. If you are a fan of fellatio, and especially love having sperm swallowed, MAX Yummy Cummy might interest you.
But before we continue, let us tell you a piece of advice: pay close attention to what you eat often, but especially when you’re approaching sex!
Foods such as pineapple, orange, grapefruit, plum, nectarine, parsley, lemon, mango, papaya, mint, green tea, chamomile, etc. are preferred. On the other hand, other foods such as garlic, onion, strong spices, asparagus, broccoli, chocolate (yes!), red meat, dairy products, coffee, etc. should be avoided. if you want your sperm to do well, at least during your next sex session!
Blowjob and sperm consumption, how does it work?
Contrary to what we see in porn movies, most women don’t enjoy swallowing sperm. We tend to forget the commercial nature of these pornographic films which convey many erroneous clichés of normal sexual life. It is common for your girlfriend or wife to be tempted by trying to swallow your sperm (they would also be tempted by you! We know that…), of course. However, the appearance, taste and smell of this liquid would repel more than one person. We found in testimonials in many forums around sex life many testimonies of young women who had the experience first to please their guys. Many of them report that the feeling of disgust varies and that personal hygiene (including smells and tastes) played a big role. They generally can’t resist a penis that smells good and sperm that tastes just as good!
How MAX Yummy Cummy changes the taste of semen?
MAX Yummy Cummy is a pill that is made up of natural ingredients that aim to change the taste and smell of your semen. We find :
- Some celery ;
- Parsley ;
- Pineapple extract;
- Acai berry extract;
- Wheatgrass extract;
- Cinnamon.
The first two ingredients are known, in addition to increasing the volume of semen, to improve its taste, smell and even texture.
The other extracts add specific flavors and scents to the semen.
Just like other bodily fluids (sweat, saliva, urine, etc.), semen changes taste and odor depending on the concentration of food consumed. We then don’t need to remind you that garlic and onion in quantities may well make you regret a good fellatio!
Who can use MAX Yummy Cummy?
It is not a pill to enlarge the penis, nor to obtain a better erection: MAX Yummy Cummy is a pill to neutralize odors considered unpleasant by many sexual partners and to provide a better flavor to your semen.
It is therefore a product intended for men over 18 years old, wishing to improve the quality of their sperm to also improve that of their sexual relations.
Some websites consulted claim that MAX Yummy Cummy is also intended for women who wish to modify their vaginal fluid. We are not sure that this is true, but we would not be against testimonies from women to this effect.
The promises of MAX Yummy Cummy
- 100% natural ingredients;
- Immediate effectiveness (first results observed after 2 days);
- Better semen quality (taste, smell and consistency);
- Intimate solution that works from the inside (unlike gels and flavored condoms).
How to use MAX Yummy Cummy?
A box of MAX Yummy Cummy contains 60 pills. This corresponds to a one-month supply, as it is recommended to take two pills per day (morning and evening). The manufacturer of MAX Yummy Cummy claims that you would see the first results appear after the first week of treatment.
According to the product’s official website, no adverse side effects are known to date for the use of MAX Yummy Cummy: the 100% natural composition of this pill minimizes and eliminates any risk of danger.
Purchase MAX Yummy Cummy
Like all natural supplements, this product has a money-back guarantee. If you wish, you can buy MAX Yummy Cummy directly from its official website. Click on the following image to access it: